Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Want to work at Google?? How much does your head weigh ?

It has a global reputation for being one of the best brands to work for, but do you have what it takes to work for Google?

Author William Poundstone claims to have unlocked the secret of succeeding in an interview at Google, and is reveals his secrets in a new book. He states that Google and other companies of their ilk, require successful candidates to solve perplexing riddles.

In ‘Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google?’, Poundstone provides tips for Google interview questions that he claims  will increase an applicant's chances of getting hired.

In an interview with ABC News, Poundstone stated,  'HR departments are running scared, asking themselves, "How can we make sure our questions have predictive power for how well someone will do on the job?"'

Poundstone outlines several of the brain teasers that are said to be used by actual Google interviewers, from 'How much toilet paper would you need to cover Texas' to 'Can you swim faster in water or syrup?'

He told ABC News that whether a job applicant can answer the question or not, it’s best to ask follow up questions to show that you recognise what is being asked.

Google would not comment on Poundstone's book, but some are quick to point out that the interview questions that have been circulating the web for several years are works of fiction.

  • Why are manhole covers round?
  • How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?
  • How much toilet paper would you need to cover Texas?
  • You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and thrown in a blender. The blades start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?
  • How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?
  • How many vacuum cleaners are made a year?
  • Using only a four-minute hourglass and a seven-minute hourglass, measure exactly nine minutes - without the process taking longer than nine minutes.
  • Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco.
  • How would you devise an evacuation plan for San Francisco?
  • What number comes next in this pattern? 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66
  • Can you swim faster in water or in syrup?
  • A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?
  • How many times a day do a clock’s hands overlap?

Have you been to an interview at Google? What is the strangest or most difficult interview question you have been asked?? How did you respond ?


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